Quality Tree Trimming and Preservation in Holladay

Holladay: "Professional tree preservation and trimming in Holladay. Keep your trees healthy and beautiful."

Love Your Trees in Holladay, Utah with Professional Care

Even if you’re an avid gardener, it’s easy to overlook your trees. As long as the branches aren’t getting in your way and there’s no obvious disease or damage, most homeowners assume their trees are doing just fine. However, at Timber Ridge Tree Services near Holladay, Utah, we know that’s not always the case. Trees can have invisible damage that make them fragile and likely to fall. Sometimes tree diseases aren’t obvious to non-professionals until the disease has progressed so far that the requires emergency removal. Taking care of your trees is critical to taking care of your property. They can eventually get so large that they can easily cause damage to your property if routine care is not performed. Avoid property tree problems with the right tree removal & services.

Many homeowners also tend to hold off until the spring months in Holladay to call in a tree professional. After all, most trees are dormant this time of year, but prime tree trimming season is happening right now. It’s generally recommended to avoid trimming trees when they are in blossom. The best, safest, and healthiest time to trim trees is when they are in a dormant state, and that window will be closing soon. If you want to kick-start your spring with sturdy and beautiful trees, that journey begins now with professional tree trimming.

Getting Rid of Trees Through Tree Services & Removal

Removing trees sounds like a big undertaking because it is. Small trees can quickly become a big task if you attempt to remove it yourself. Large, mature trees can be extremely dangerous if they aren’t removed by a pro—both to you and your property. Some homeowners want to trees removed because they need the space, want more sunshine, or simply because a certain tree doesn’t go with the aesthetic they’re pursuing. When that’s the case, you can have trees taken down and removed any time of year. Bear in mind it’s still better to opt for services right now. It will be quicker and easier to remove most trees in cold weather during dormancy, which means you can save on the removal.

There might come a time when you know you need emergency tree removal services, it is critical to call the pros at Timber Ridge Tree Service immediately. Maybe you can tell that the tree could fall at any moment. Given the weather in Utah, from winds to heavy rain and snow, just about any environmental shift could knock a fragile tree over. Avoiding property damage is paramount, and that can be done right now with a phone call. What if a tree has already fallen? You’re going to need to have an the tree removed before you can move forward with just about anything else. We can also advise you when it comes to tracking information for any property damage claims.  Sometimes a fallen tree can be a complete surprise to property owners. Remember, just because a tree “looks” fine and healthy doesn’t always mean it is, you can count on Timber Ridge Tree Services serving Holladay, Utah.